The Last Bite: Customer Data

So, I have to spill the beans, this will be our final topic from The Big Marketing Bite for a little while. We hope you have enjoyed every single one of our posts, from the original that started it all about Google Analytics to SEO, and don’t forget the latest post about Pay per Click.We hope that you have applied the information provided in each blog post to help grow you food business, regardless of what type of service or product you are providing. Every little helps to further your business, as they saying goes, nothing is impopsicle!

image credit: Pinterest

So, let’s dig right in to this week’s topic, which is all about the benefits and challenges of using customer data. Over the last number of weeks, we have spoken many times bout the benefits of using customer data, and implementing some of the tools that can help further our online digital presence. I decided to focus on two key issues that in my opinion are note worthy and always important to consider and you attempt serving up your own digital dish... 

Privacy Concerns: 

In today’s modern day digital age, information online is everything. But one of the challenges that business face using data collected for marketing may be to do with privacy. Data protection legislation (GDPR) was introduced in 2018, and has become a big issue for companies and marketers to consider with how they handle this hot potato. It gives users more control over their own information and customer data. Businesses should be aware of their terms and conditions that they have set out and update consent options for users and make sure it is clear how their data is being managed.  

Targeted audiences:

We have talked about targeted audience and using a marketing plan tailored to them based on gathered information and data. Using your gathered customer data to tailor individual marketing campaigns to suit has huge benefits as we have mentioned several times. This could be selling your special new healthy dish to your audience that you know have an interest in health and nutrition, or marketing your kid’s meal menu or play area to families who would visit your restaurant for a Sunday lunch. Advertising and marketing your businesses before the digital age used to be quite simple and straightforward, in that you would try to appeal to a mass audience. But now, with the advantage of also having so much information on your customer, their likes and dislikes, puts the pressure on to ensure that your marketing campaign is right on target and appeals to them in a way that will result in sales of your product. If this is not done correctly, you run the risk of having a niche campaign that is unsuccessful and does not appeal to your demographic audience at all.

It has been a pleasure as always to have you read our noteworthy tips and to read your lovely comments. you can still catch up with us over on out Instagram page @thebigmarketingbite

image credit: Pinterst

For a final time, as I bow out from the kitchen..

Your Sue-Chef

Suzanne Earley


  1. YES Sue-Chef!!! Sad to hear this will be your final blog for a while - I really have enjoyed reading and learning from your blog posts! You have a fantastic way with words and certainly can make them food related! What a wonderful insight into Customer Data - it does have its benefits but also provides so many challenges! I think the two key issues you refer to our extremely important for businesses to note when conducting there digital marketing strategy. GDPR since it was introduced has certainly changed the way businesses must act when storing data! Regarding target audiences with such a vast array of ways to track information now it is so important the business use the data in the correct way to ensure they market there offering correctly! Sad to say goodbye but thanks for the great information over the last few weeks!
    David Donnelly

  2. Great Post Sue and I'm so sad that it's the last one. Loved the way you laid out your post to show two clear areas within this topic - privacy and targeted audiences.
    We want to target our content so the customer gets what they want and also so we maximise sales and monitor our progress with analytics. This obviously requires customer data. The importance of adhering to GDPR principles is key. We must ask the customer for consent to collect their information and we must store / use/ dispose of it in the correct way.
    We also must take care not to continually target the customer with ads etc or the process will only put them off our company. So its a balancing act.
    Loved your fun graphics this week Sue and great to see all the links to our previous posts!
    Until the next time ( I'm hoping we might post a few more in the future... Just for fun!)
    Suzanne McCabe

  3. Ah no, its hard to think that this is the last instalment of whats been a great adventure so far! Sue, I absolutely love the cute graphics you have used in your post and the tongue in cheek way you use food references as a succinct way of hitting the nail on the head. You referred to GDPR amid privacy concerns around data which are of paramount importance. And this is a road all digital marketers must navigate. Targeting client through persona identification I feel is important, thats how we know who we are aiming at. Every week I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts and loved working alongside you! So goodbye for now to the Sue-Chef!
    Colette Breen-O'Boyle

  4. great Post lots to consider and reflect on regards the pros a and cons of gathering customer data from a business as well as a personal view point. excellently laid out clear and engaging content. thanks indeed for all the information over the blog series


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