Welcome all foodies and not-so-much-foodies...Colette here from The Big Marketing BiteThank you for joining me again this week!

We had lots of fun looking at Big Data on our blog last week. In order for all these articles and others to be viewed by you the audience, they need to contain relevant, engaging and rich content and interesting fabric to gain a higher ranking on the SERP when searched for. That segues us nicely to our topic this week, which is...

SEO – Search Engine Optimisation in the Food Industry. 

What is meant by SEO? 

“SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results.”  www.moz.com  

SEO can be both ON and OFF PAGE. It is estimated that SEO Organic searches (On PAGE) result in 250% more traffic than paid search results!!! What business can afford not to do this? Organic or natural search is where traffic is coming directly from an unpaid source i.e. your own website which you have improved in the effort to gain increased organic exposure.

This is done by making your content both relevant (to the searcher) and authoritative (content gained from reliable, trustworthy sources). OFF PAGE on the other hand is completely out of the business owners control. This involves Paid ads (PPC)and bank-links. For the purpose of this blog we will look at ON PAGE SEO

What are the functions of a Search Engine?

Google being the most popular search engine by far, is used in over 90% of searches. The search engine CRAWLS sites with spiders/bots to identify new websites and the content. After crawling the site, INDEXING basically involves adding the site to the Google (or other search engine's) database; meaning it has been approved by the search engine. Lastly, the site is RANKED based on search relevant and content quality. This is where the user sees the SERP - Search Engine Results Page, of what is searched for. 

When it comes to SEO in the food industryvisuals always outweigh text…mouth-watering, delicious photographs with oozing yumminess will hit the hungry customer’s search taste buds. 

By using Feature Snippets with enhanced rich content and engaging imagery and videos, used in addition to focusing on Organic Search, gives a business every opportunity to increase SEO presence. However, keywords also play a big part in any search. Think of what you would type into your google search bar, chances are many others have searched using the same words.

It’s also possible to optimise search results using code. This structured data can be written at the back end of your creation to try to influence google on where to actually place your site in the rankings/SERP. (however there is no guarantee they will accommodate)!

In summary, SEO is a vital component for every business' digital strategy. Please check out my ebook on Digital Marketing Management, to find out more about Digital Marketing fundamentals.

Until next week...


  1. Great Post Colette. You mention the use of backlinks to help with SEO . Getting linked from an authoritive site would clearly have a positive effect on your ranking but getting that company to backlink you could be the real challenge for a startup. I guess the answer might be a lot of networking! I guess also that companies that have complementary offerings could provide backlinks to each others sites as this would be mutually benificial.
    SEO is clearly very important. When I search on Google, I don't think I ever really look at the listings on page two so we all want to be up there, within the first few listings, of page 1!

  2. Colette I am a huge fan of your blog! You have a great way with words and provide an interesting read each week... not only is it interesting but also very useful. I never heard of SERP before today and its a great abbreviation... also an important one as I hope I can get my business high on SERP after reading your tips.. It is so interesting to read the strength of organic searches on the web and really just shows that its all about been clever to ensure you use the correct key words to get high up on SERP. I never even thought about how images are important for a food business but it is so true and important to keep them fresh and engaging to ensure sure your business gets noticed. Well done on such an interesting read and I really enjoyed the many links you provided within your blog.. They are very useful....

  3. "When it comes to SEO in the food industry, visuals always outweigh text…mouth-watering, delicious photographs with oozing yumminess will hit the hungry customer’s search taste buds." - I love the way you phrase sentences in your blog post Colette - you make it interesting and engaging to read. Excellent quote from Moz.com to explain exactly what SEO is too. Your use of backlinks is also really clever to link to other articles that will be of interest to the reader. Your Crawling, Indexing and Ranking paragraphs explains the Google function quite simply for the reader.
    Great post Colette, looking froward to next weeks.
    Suzanne Earley

  4. great post for the great post on SEO for the food industry and in particular i loved the examples they really brought the key points to life .

  5. Food Manufacturing - As well as being highly profitable and having tremendous expansion and diversification potential, this industry has a great deal of demand. Having a company that meets government regulations and developing products that satisfy the vast majority of people is the key.

  6. Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority was established in 1985 under the Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act of 1985.
    Read more: apeda registration


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