The benefits of using Google Analytics for your food truck business

Food trucks have become become a go to in almost every town, particularly over the last two years. From delicious coffee to pizza slices and burgers…there is a meal on wheels for everyone. 
Your food truck business is well on the road to success, and you’re now looking to ensure that your truck does not get a flat tyre with its online presence and how you reach your customers

Welcome to how Google Analytics can benefit your food truck business.

The ingredients of Google Analytics are pretty simple. It shows you how your audience finds and uses your website and in turn enables you to understand and improve how the site is being used by customers to benefit your business. 

The most important and key ingredient of Google Analytics is that it allows you to set and monitor your goals. This feature allows you to outline your target goals from the business and Google Analytics will monitor the progress for youAs a business, if you are not measuring your progress against key targets you have set, your decision making may not have the desired results and can cost you in the long run. Ultimately, it will make for a very messy kitchen!

You also need to know how your customers are finding out about you and how to use this to your advantage. Google Analytics compiles all of this data for you in a clear and comprehensive customised report. Is there more traffic coming from social media platforms such as Instagram or TikTok? Or is it coming from the Google search engine, or being referred from targeted campaigns that you are running such as content marketing, promotions, email marketing and offers etc.

By using Google Analytics, you have the benefit of being able to segment and target your market and create specific campaigns for each group, ensuring you are reaching them on the right platforms. Establish where your users like to engage and choose to advertise and socialise in that space. This in turn allows you to understand user behaviour, bounce rates and improve marketing campaigns moving forward.

Compared to brick and mortar, food trucks have the advantage of taking off onto the road, however this can also be a disadvantage of initially struggling to establish a business area, and therefore consistency for its customers. Marketing campaigns have to be extremely specific and targeted to ensure you gather momentum and get your businesses as many visitors as possible.   This is why no matter what your food truck business is, from pizza to cheese sambos – you need to have Google Analytics cooking up a storm for you and gathering as much information as you possibly can.

And did I mention the cherry on top? It’s completely free!

Until next week, from your Sue Chef - Bon Appetit!

Suzanne Earley


  1. Great article Suzanne, I'm also a big Google Analytics fan, primarily because it's so intuitive to use. I really like the way that the reports include graphs and visuals that make them so easy to understand. As you mention above, this makes it easy to establish if you are achieving the goals you have set out for yourself! One really fun aspect when you first set up your Google Analytics account is that you can use the 'Real-Time' Report to see the number of visitors on your site at that particular moment! This really is quite exciting if you are just setting up a brand new business! And as you say yourself, it's all completely free- amazing! - Suzanne Mc Cabe


  2. Sue, just looking at those food trucks make me feel hungry! Yum! It's great to see so many new businesses thriving in the last few years. Food trucks have really taken off , from being a greasy spoon type establishment to now being gourmet pop-ups, the transformation has been huge. Digital technology has played its part in a big way telling the customer what’s on the menu and most importantly where to find you. I completely agree with your point regarding Google Analytics being imperative for setting and monitoring goals. Money is always tight for a small business so the fact that Google Analytics is free is a huge bonus. It's an amazing overall business tool that is crucial for any ambitious business. Looking forward to what's on for next week! Colette Breen-O'Boyle

  3. Sue this is excellent and just brings me back to mid pandemic!! Food trucks where certainly something good that came from it. It really allowed you do something in a safe manner when everything was shut. It also allowed people try new foods and businesses that they may have never tried before. It opened up a whole new customer base for business as many where selling at different price points that normally. I love the way you explain about segmenting people into specific target groups - I think this is ideal for food truck or any business to target the people they know who will visit there business. I look forward to my next food truck outing

  4. hi Suzanne
    excelleent post on the use of google anylytics for a small business such as food trucks. i love to see and hear about the latest food and especially niche and authentic offerings as are often found in food trucks. It makes sense to use GA to see where customers are finding out about your offering.


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