The Importance of Big Data and Food Delivery

This week we are going to look at Big Data, and how it influences the food industry. 

For those of you who may be unaware, big data is the evaluation of large quantities of data over a prolonged time period to help grow the business. The thoughts of all the information can be quite overwhelming, so let’s keep this as simple as we can:

There are two categories of big data and how they are sourced and collected: Structured and Unstructured.

Structured is quantitative, and is more patterned and organised – think traditional technology.

Unstructured is qualitative and more abundant and can come in a variety of formats. It doesn’t have any one type of format. Examples of this would be rich media, audio and images.

Big Data and Food Delivery

Apps such as Just EatDeliveroo and Uber Eats and then to the individual company having their own delivery website (such as Dominos Pizza) Big Data plays a big bite when it comes to how we order our food.

Evaluating customer behavior and also predicting their future purchases is a benefit of data analytics. The data that is compiled in the app when you use and order through your device is so valuable to the business. You are providing information about yourself such as your location, the time you ordered and your preference of food. Gathering data and what the customer preferences is, what they have ordered before, dietary requirements, and then as a result offering them personalised special offers, coupons and deals and targeted offers on certain days of the week that the customer may prefer to order. 

Nowadays, people expect and want to have their food ordered in an easy, efficient and prompt manner. By looking at the data algorithms, something as simple as showing previous orders from the restaurant, and adjusting the food menu to show what they like in particular based on their previous history. As a result, customer relationships are improved and built upon.

In particular, big data can be used to predict delivery times. Think about when you place your order, and the expected delivery time comes up on screen. This is through the evaluation of traffic in a certain area, distance and the preparation time. You can even track the driver on their bike or in their car and map exactly where they are with your food.

Until next week, keep it tasty! 

Suzanne Earley 


  1. Great post Suzanne. I think the way that big data analysis can be used to predict delivery time is extreamly useful application of this technology and one that's much appreciated by the customer.
    As you also mention, being able to target offers, tailored to the specific customer is also a great compeditive advantage.
    Big Data Analysis is also a great way to keep track of customer purchasing trends eg according to time of day, weather, location etc and making adjustments to advertising accordingly.
    I think new technologies such as the use of big data analytics have moved from a ' nice to have' to a 'must have' in today's market. Companies must embrace them if they are to succeed!
    Suzanne Mc Cabe

  2. Sue I really enjoyed this post. It really makes you pause for thought, something as simple as your weekend takeaway can be impactful on a business and how they improve their customer service. I know when we order from either our local Thai or Chinese takeaways, they have our details on what we previously ordered and they know our name and numbers which is great (although maybe that says more about us and we should order less often)!! I like the quote " Data plays a big bite when it comes to how we order our food." It works in several ways - but the end game is improving customer relationship management, be it from tracking the order so you know when your food will arrive or your local take-out knowing your order and the way you like it (I rarely change mine)! It means the customer feels like they are known and important to the business. And it is literally at the touch of a button!!
    Colette Breen-O’Boyle

  3. Sue what an interesting read! Food Delivery Apps really have become part of peoples daily lives now in Ireland. With the touch of a button food can people delivered instantly to your door and it certainly has changed peoples relationship with take away food. During Covid times people had no choice but to eat at home which lead to these apps been essential for peoples existence. People had no option to dine out so people wanted restaurant quality food delivered to them. I think the big data information on these apps would be fantastically beneficial to business especially for forecasting future demands within the business. As you have explained Sue there is so much information gathered when you place an order. Its actually scary in a way that the businesses know so much about us!!! They probably know what we want to eat before we do ourselves


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