Optimisation is the O in FOOD you need to know about

Welcome back to another week, I hope you are ready to Digest some  Digital Marketing for the food business, I am just one of four of the amazing bloggers here on The Big Marketing Bite . This week we are look at SEO and how as a food business this really affects how you can potentially gain peoples business.

We have all heard the saying you eat with eyes... well this is true but did you ever think that these visuals affect how people may make a decision to choose your business on the worldwide web.... Let me provided you more information... 

SEO means Search Engine Optimisation which is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to your website from search engines. It is essentially how high does your business rank when someone types something related to your business into the WWW. 

Expose Design

This is where the importance of Keywords comes in.... It is important that businesses are using the right words in relation to their business so they are found online... For example I am travelling with work and I want to find lunch in a new town that I am visiting.... it is important the cafe's in the area have a good ranking so when I type in keywords such as lunch, healthy food, lunchtime, cafe, food to go that these businesses are top of the list. 

This can be done in two ways organically by the business ensuring they use the right keywords to bring up the rankings of their business organically or through paid ads on the search engine platform.  I found a really useful beginners resource that breaks SEO down in a simple version like Maslow Hierarchy of needs. 

I really hope you enjoyed my blog, head over and read some of my fellow bloggers post, Collette really provides great information on using rich imagery  while Suzanne provides great information for food businesses to improve their ranking. Our final blogger Sue gives great insight into enhancing your website content

We hope we have provided you with enough food for thought this week... don't go hungry we will be back next week.....

David Donnelly


  1. Great post David. I loved Mozlows hierarchy of SEO needs, what a great and really clear way to explain the concept starting with the most fundamental need at the bottom and moving upward. Thanks also for including the assosiated link from Moz, very intersting.
    As you mention in the post, keywords are a very important part of SEO and during my research for this piece, I found that there are some great tools available online to help with this ( Google them- let's see which one gets the best ranking lol)
    Great idea also to link across all our posts to let the reader get different perspectives and, at the same time, to improve out own indexing!
    Looking forward to the next installment.
    Suzanne Mc Cabe

  2. David what a great post! And I love the title! I find your posts really upbeat and entertaining, leaving me always looking forward to the next episode! I like the simple example of the words entered in a search if you were looking for a healthy lunch, etc. Keywords are a great resource when building your business' SERP ranking. Your link to www.moz.com article and adaptation of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs were also a very interesting. Investing that time and effort into this Organic SEO and rich content creation in your blogs/posts is well worth it. Thank you for linking our posts - what a great idea.
    Colette Breen-O'Boyle
    Colette Breen-O'Boyle

  3. Loved this post and topic this week David, and I completely agree with Colette above about how upbeat and entertaining your articles are...you always make the topic interesting and easy to understand. Your example of how your keywords for searching for a place to have lunch is a simple explanation of how Keywords can generate organic traffic to the company website.
    Also, your link back to other articles on The Big Marketing Bite is fantastic, and an excellent way to drive traffic to other parts of the website.
    Looking forward to next weeks post.
    Suzanne Earley

  4. great post David. Excellent information and infographics on the importance of SEO in the food industry. great examples also bringing the topic to life.
    great work thanks for the tips


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