A Taste of Search Engine Optimisation

Get the popcorn ready, because this week’s blog post is a good one. We are talking about SEO – yes, that’s right…Search Engine Optimisation and why it is so important for the food industry.

Before we dig into the main course, I would recommend a starter dish: Have a read of some of our previous articles here at The Big Marketing Bite to get a taster of what our articles are about such as The Benefits of Google Analytics for Online Food Business and Big Data Application; Its Now A Main Course In The Food Industry

Search Engine Optimisation aims to organically drive traffic to a website. Having a good position in the search engine results makes your website more visible, relevant and accessible to potential customers. SEO is established through a process of Crawling, Indexing and Ranking. It is important that your page is easy to use and easy to find and easy for the user to navigate through. Most users do not go past the first results page, so having your business at the top of the Search Engine Results page is of huge importance.


Robots crawl the internet for new and updated sites, and then rank it for the content and quality. It is important that your website is developed in a way that is SEO friendly to ensure a higher quality ranking.


All the information that is gathered is then contained in a database or content that is good enough quality to show to users. It is the content that has met the most guidelines of the search engine.


This is where the search engine places the websites and content in order. It ranks this by the highest quality and most relevant site for the user and their query. The algorithm is continuously changing and being updated by the search engine.

Also, and important tactic to consider for your SEO is the use of keywords, and incorporating them into your website so that they are picked up. What words will be used by potential customers that you want to reach. Ensure they are relevant, enriching and has volume to it – which means the number of times that keyword is searched for. Think about the bucket of words or sentences that will be searched for.  

By emphasising SEO, you are giving your food business more of a chance to be discovered by potential customers, to browse and showcase your menu online, delivery options and those mouth-watering photographs of all your tasty food. By ranking higher on the search engines site, people are more inclined to click on websites that are on the first page alone, and tend not to look much further than that. 

Try enhancing your website content and usability by thinking about your customers and what they are looking for, the words they will use and what they want to consume. Determine your business goals and then use SEO as a tactic to complete your objectives.

Suzanne Earley


  1. Sue I loved this piece you wrote today on SEO in the food industry. It was definitely one for the popcorn!! I particularly liked the links back to our articles from last week where we cooked up a big data storm and enjoyed every minute of it! This was a really clever idea and one I may steal in future blogs! The clear and concise reference to the functions of SEO using headings for each one made the post very simple to follow especially linking it back to tactics and objectives for a business. Really interesting. I am looking forward to your next feature...
    Colette Breen-O'Boyle

  2. Great Post Suz, and great links to your other pages - that will really help your indexing!!! This girl practices what she preaches :)
    Your explanation of crawling, indexing and ranking was very good and the whole piece was very clear and easy to read.
    As regards keywords, I love that sentence " thinking about your customers and what they are looking for". That really is key, you don't just want to drive just anybody to your site, you want to target the customer that will most likely convert. Keywords must, of course, also be added in a natural non obvious way.
    Looking forward to your next installment.
    Suzanne Mc Cabe

  3. Sue what a fantastic read! I am really enjoying you blog post now each week and finding the information useful for implementing with the food industry. To be honest I had heard of SEO before I read your post and understand it was about driving traffic organically to your website but WOW I did not realise there was so much to it! It's interesting to know that crawling exists and business must have their page in order to ensure they get a good ranking. The ranking algorithm concept is such an interesting topic and definitely something worth considering for new food business such as food trucks. Ensuring they use the correct words is so important so customer can find out about their offerings and visit their business... Thanks for all the tips I'm off to enjoy the popcorn


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