PPC is the Secret Ingredient to finding your Food Business

Hello to all our Foodie readers, I  hope you have learnt so much about the digital food world over the last few weeks! Last week we where busy setting up The Big Marketing Bite  Instagram page! Please give us a follow to keep up to date with all our Food filled blogs! 

Today we are talking all about PPC - Pay Per Click. PPC is a form of advertising where the advertiser pays essentially for each click to their app or website from a search engine eg: google. Google ads is the best known platform for this (essentially you are advertising on Google). Companies bid on keywords and clicks to their websites. They only actually pay once the link is clicked to bring the person to their website. This really highlights the importance of having the correct keywords in your linked with your SEOs.  SEO and PPC should not be mixed up as SEO is all about search engine optimization and growing your positioning organically. 

Why do business use PPC and love it you may ask? Well the first thing is definitely SPEED. PPC gives you great traffic to your website quickly which can help improve Sales. Once an ad is set up business will see large volumes of traffic within days.
Another huge benefit is Data and the amount of data businesses can gain through PPC. Businesses can see the keywords that users are searching. You cannot have this with organic SEO along with SEO taking so much longer. 

PPC can be expensive so its important to run it very carefully. Here are some of my top tips to run a successful PPC campaign

- Intent 
Which Key words do you want to advertise against. Are these informational as in people want information on them or are they commercial ie: someone looking to buy something that will lead to you getting a return on your money!! 

-Understanding Volume
This is where you need to ensure the keywords you are using have enough volume to gain traction!  At the end of the day you need leads to generate sales. 

You need to be investing enough to actually get a return but be aware that you do not overspend. 

- Quality of Ads/ Landing Page Quality 
You need to have an impact - you will pay less if you ad is of high quality. Business must ensure their ad copy is do write so it is easily searchable. 

- Offers
Offering something for free to gain interest really works succesfully with PPC. More people will click on the ad which overall will boost the ad. 

Something to also consider is Facebook although it is social advertising is also a Pay per Click Formula. 

Below I found this great flow chart from "Business 2 Community"  which I think would be very easy for food businesses to use starting of using as a way of implementing PPC within their marketing strategies.

I really hope you enjoyed todays blog and learnt something about PPC and how you can implement it in your business. Please feel free to share your thoughts below on what you think of my blog, I would be delighted to answer anymore questions.

Until next week... don't go hungry!  


  1. David this post has been really informative. Your images are great too! I especially liked your top tips for running a PPC Campaign which are a real go-to for any food business wishing to explore paid ads. A great reference point and you are so right that PPC can be expensive, the trade-off being that it is fast and can help as a traffic boost for your business whilst you are building your Organic SEO. Also the extra data attained due to PPC is something really worth considering. Loving your posts each week David. Looking forward to your next topic!
    Colette Breen-O'Boyle

  2. Super post David, I agree, using PPC is a great way to get fast results with regard to driving customers to your website! Also, your careful selection of keywords and other factors when setting up the ad will ensure you are targeting the right customers and getting return on investment.
    Your idea of offering something for free within this type of ad was not something I had considered before- and it's actually a great idea!
    I also enjoyed reading your top tips to run a PPC campaign - really useful and insightful! Your addition of the pay per click infographic was also a really good way to help explain the concept to the reader.
    Looking forward to your next installment.
    Suzanne Mc Cabe

  3. Hey David, really informative post on Pay per Click. Your top tips for people in the food businesses on using PPC is really great and will no doubt assist foodies on their marketing campaign. Paid advertising has so many benefits for business and when correctly applied can have huge results. Thanks for a great read as always.
    Suzanne Earley

  4. thanks for the great post on paid marketing, it’s really informative and enlightening. Advertising spend can feel so daunting to a small business like ours so it’s great to get some clarity. Such as the speed pay per click offers in terms of getting people to your website. I will certainly look again at Paid Marketing for our business.


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