Eat with your Instagram Eyes

Welcome back you hungry readers... Back for another week of delicious reads from The Big Marketing Bite... I hope you left last week with full bellies when we served up some mindboggling reads on SEO within the Food Industry... This week its all about Social Media...

I think most people have heard of Instagram.. well with over one billion users worldwide they certainly have a lot of people using there platform. Instagram is all about images and hashtags and what better subject then FOOD to trend on the app!  

According to Google food lovers consumer 4 times more content than the average Instagram user.. Food fans connect to instagram an average of 18 times a day. Each  month,  #food accounts for more than 250 million posts and a whooping 27% of internet users on instagram share food content 

Food trends are a huge on Instagram and a big reason for this was the Pandemic.. many people had never had to cook for themselves and for periods of time where forced too.... so cooking challenges and recipe hacks and ideas became the norm of lockdown. 

Small food business need to use social platforms effectively to grow their business and their customer base. This is done by ensuring they treat their instagram page like they would treat their shop window. They must keep everything relevant and engaging with their consumers. The use of the relevant hashtags and content in terms of seasonality and occasions is extremely important.  The BBC also report on how influencers affect what we eat and this is so true. If a certain influencer dines in your restaurant and posts it on social media this could be open up your business to a huge audience so its important to style your photos correctly to engage that type of person into your restaurant... Forget about eatable..... think instagramable 


  1. David your post this week is snappy and interesting. I didn't realise that "food lovers consume four times more content than the average Instagram user". This statistic alone should be the overwhelming reason a food business would engage with its customers on Instagram. Being such a visual forum it allows a business to tantalise with the eyes. If you cannot smell the delicious food the next best thing is seeing it! I also loved your links on TikTok and Instagram trends for 2021, and the article on food influencers. I think large as well as small businesses can benefit from using Instagram particularly if they have different facets to their food business e.g. restaurant, coffee-to-go, cafe, bar, etc. Check out @morillescafe, a small business that has diversified during the pandemic! Different social media platforms are suited to different business for thought!
    Colette Breen-O'Boyle

  2. This is a great piece David and, like Colette, I really liked your stats relating to Instagram and food, especially that food fans connect to Instagram an average of 18 times a day! What an oppertunity to present your companies offering in the best light!!! It's so true that your social media pages are basically like a bricks and mortar shop window, so we need to curate content with care and keep an eye on what's working and what's not.
    One advantage of Instagram, (as well as the other social media platforms) is, of course, that it's also free- win win!
    Some great links included in this week's piece too. I really enjoyed the one from the BBC.
    I'm really looking forward to your next installment David!
    Suzanne Mc Cabe

  3. Hi David, Great post again this week. Focusing in on Instagram was an excellent take, at it is by far one of the most popular and engaging social media tools to use for the food industry. ..I know out of all the social media platforms it is absolutely my favorite. "Each month, #food accounts for more than 250 million posts and a whooping 27% of internet users on instagram share food content" this is not a surprising statistic, it would be one of the #trending hashtags on my own feed.
    Great work,
    Suzanne Earley


  4. thanks David for the great post on Social media marketing for the food industry and in particular i loved the Instagram angle, I too didnt know it was such a popular social media tool for the food industry. i will certainly rethink the images we use for our bee business.....thinking honey of course :)
    thanks for education on this angle


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