Bidding For Your Customers' Attention - Paid Advertising Meets Food

We had a break last week from our blog while we did some extra research and worked heavily on our Instagram page. Don't forget to take a look and follow. Please leave comments and tell us how we are doing/what can we improve on? 

Last time we spoke we looked at Social Media and Food. Of course Social Media is so far-reaching and engaging for the Food business and Foodie alike! This week we are going to delve into the virtues of paying for advertising using Google Ads and what that looks like. I'll attempt to make this as entertaining as possible....

Paid advertising has faster results than Organic SEO search. Paid advertising also known as Pay Per Click (PPC), does exactly what it says. You (the company) pay (the search engine,Google) a fee for every click by the visitor. 

Hubspot state that "only 30% of people are likely to click on paid links."  

So Why bother? Well, as organic SEO is time-intensive and laborious, Paid advertising is a way to enhance your online presence in an immediate way while still beavering away on your Organic SEO in the background. 

How does it work? It's all part of a bidding process using keywords that enhance the quality of your ad content in Google's opinion. The higher the quality, content relevance, fee, etc. the higher the probability of your bid success. These ads should be targeted to a specific group (a persona that you are aiming to gain as your audience/customer). 

And now the science bit ....The formula Google uses is Maximum Cost Per Click (CPC) Bid X Quality Score. The Actual CPC is the most paid but the LOWEST COST REQUIRED to beat any competitor's bid. 🤯 The higher the quality the less cost you pay.

In summary Google Ads is a valuable asset for your food business. It allows for the following:

  • Targeting to your specific audience/persona
  • Budgetary control, you decide what you are willing to Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Analysing results through linking to Google Analytics
Why not give it a try and let me know how you get on! I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading & I'll catch you next week... 

Colette Breen-O'Boyle


  1. Great post as always Colette - I really loved your graphics!!!
    I loved the way you really got across the advantages of PPC in this piece i.e faster results than SEO, you only pay for the ads clicked ( therefore targeted) and less laborious.
    The 'science bit' was really well explained too - these topics can sometimes be difficult to understand.
    The link back to Google analytics is great too, because the user will want to analyse their success and decide on any future changes to their approach.
    Finally, showing the paid ad by Menufy was a great addition to the post, as a real world example always helps the reader to better understand the piece!
    Looking forward to your next installment
    Suzanne Mc Cabe

  2. Hi post! and as always, your graphic and images used are fantastic...for sure one of my favorite things about your individual posts. As Suzanne mentioned above, I completely agree that your 'science bit' was explained really well. Your post this week is really informative and would persuade anyone who has been debating if they should invest in Paid Advertising.
    Also, fantastic use of links back to your other blog posts, and more importantly to the new Instagram page. A great way to keep your readers even more informed and engaged. Cant wait for next weeks posts ...and images :)
    Suzanne Earley

  3. Colette what an fantastic post! Very interesting but totally useful information also! As you outline in the heading - Its all about bidding for your customers attention and that is certainly what PPC is all about! It's very interesting the information you give that hubspot provides that only 30% of people click on paid links. But as you say PPC is far faster than the Organic SEO ... I suppose it shows its all about the money and that's how these big companies like Google make their money! As you refer to Keywords are really KEY to building on the success of your PPC campaigns. And the higher the quality of campaign you run the cheaper it will end up costing you. Thanks again for a great post! I found it very educational

  4. Hi Colette

    thanks for the great post on PPC, it’s really informative and enlightening. Advertising spend can feel so daunting to a small business like ours so it’s great to get some clarity. Such as the speed pay per click offers in terms of getting people to your website. I will certainly look again at Paid Marketing for our business.
    thanks Caitriona


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